Super Bowl Betting in Pennsylvania

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There is no other sports event that draws as many bets as the 2022 Super Bowl.

You can bet on the Super Bowl using any regulated Pennsylvania online betting site including FanDuel, DraftKings, and BetMGM. They’ll also offer plenty of live, in-play wagers and hundreds of Super Bowl props.

Bet on the upcoming Super Bowl by checking out the best available odds online for Pennsylvania sportsbooks before placing your bets.

Best PA Sportsbooks for Super Bowl Betting

If you’re looking for the best sports betting apps for the most popular Super Bowl bet types, here they are.

DraftKings Sportsbook

DraftKings Sportsbook has become one of the biggest names in the fantasy sports industry, and they’ve quickly jumped into the world of local Pennsylvania sports betting by launching the app in PA.

DraftKings offers thousands of different betting options for the 2022 Super Bowl, including the moneyline, point spread, prop bets, and parlay bets. You can get $50 free and about $1000 in welcome offers to start betting without trouble. 

DraftKings offers people in the United States the opportunity to enter a free Super Bowl Squared contest, where they could potentially be awarded up to $75,000.


You get $1,000 free when you sign up for FanDuel sports betting.

FanDuel Sportsbooks offer all the standard money line, point spread, and total bet options for the Super Bowl game plus a wide range of prop and parlay odds. They also have dozens of other football wagering opportunities including futures, college matchups, and international soccer matches. The feature lets you place multiple wagers on the same game from different teams. Look for games marked SGP in the mobile apps.

FansDuel also gives its players the chance to win an extra $100,000 by playing Big Game Bingo during the big game.

Free contests for Super Bowl PA betting

There are several high-value free Superbowl contests you can take part in if you’re not quite ready to put any bets down.

Super Bowl Squares for $75,000 winnings

Every year, DraftKings hosts a free Super Bowl Squared contest where anyone in the United States can enter for a chance to take home huge winnings. It’s similar to the ones you may see at bars and offices across America.

You select a number for each team, DraftKings randomly assigns numbers to those teams, and the ones that match up with the end of each team’s halftime score win.

Win up to $100,000 betting with FanDuel

FanDuel offers a free Super Bowl contest for people who want to play bingo during the game. It’s a bingo board full of props, and if you get five out of six squares, you could be playing for a prize worth up to $100,000 or 10,000 FanDuel Points.

Super Bowl PA Bet Types

Moneyline bets

A moneyline bet is a wager placed on whether the favored team wins or loses. For instance, if you think the Steelers will win the game, you could place a $100 bet on them winning the game. A moneyline bet pays off if the underdog wins.

If the Steelers lose the game, then you would owe the bookmaker $100. However, if the Steelers win, then you would get back $100 plus any additional amount you wagered.


A spread is a betting strategy used to predict the outcome of a game between two teams. Spreads are usually used when there is no clear favorite.

For example, let’s say the Steelers are playing the Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs are considered favorites to win the game. But, the spread might show that the Steelers are only +7 points. That means that the Steelers need to beat the Chiefs by 7 points to cover the spread.

Over/Under Bets

An over/under bet is similar to a spread. The difference is that instead of predicting the winner of the game, an over/under bet predicts the total number of points scored during the game.

For example, if you think the score will end up being 42-40, you could bet on either 41 or 43 points being scored. An over/under bet pays out if the actual score ends up being lower than predicted.


A future is a bet on the final score of a game. Futures are popular among gamblers who want to know the exact point margin before placing a bet.

You may hear someone refer to a futures bet as a “prop bet.” Prop bets are bets that involve something happening after the game has ended.

Betting on Super Bowl online in Pennsylvania

If you want to bet on the Super Bowl, sign up at one of the legal PA sportsbooks and they’ll give you access to the latest NFL odds and betting lines.

Live betting

If you’re going to place a wager on the Super Bowl, you might as well use an online sportsbook that offers live bets so you don’t have to wait in long lines.

DraftKings and Fan­Duel are both excellent options for live sports bets during the Super Bowl. Both offer standard moneylines, point spread, and total live bets. They also have a variety of prop bets you can place during the Super Bowl.

Prop bets

Bettors now have even more choices when it comes to choosing which players they want to bet on for various football games during the 2022 NFL season. Super Bowl will feature plenty of props, including Team Props and Player Props.

Standard Super Bowl props include:

  • Who will be the first one to get the point?
  • Who will score the first touchdown in the game?

Betting on MVP

It isn’t surprising that quarterbacks have won the Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award 31 out of 55 years. Obviously, they’ve done it more often than in any other position.

Given that the odds are so much in favor of a quarterback being named MVP, picking the favorite and going with them is one good way to predict who will win the award.

Super Bowl 2023 Details

Date: February 12th, 2023

Participants: to be announced

Place: Arizona, State Farm Stadium 

Kick-off time: 6:30 p. m. EST

Super Bowl Online Betting Tips

Choose Simple Bets

You should always start out with a few simple bets. These are the types of bets that are easy to predict, and therefore easier to profit from. For example, if you know that the home team has been winning lately, then you might want to take advantage of their recent success by placing a bet on them to cover the spread.

Learn Betting Markets

Betting markets are simply groups of bets placed on specific outcomes. Some of the most common betting markets include moneylines, spreads, totals, over/under, and futures. Each market offers a slightly different way to bet on the outcome of a game.

Key Players

There are dozens of stars involved in each Super Bowl. From quarterbacks to running backs, wide receivers to defensive linemen, linebackers to kickers, and coaches to referees, everyone plays a role in determining the winner.

Experts Think

While you can’t go wrong following the advice of experts, you shouldn’t blindly accept everything you hear. Experts can sometimes disagree, and they can be wrong. That doesn’t mean you should ignore their opinions entirely, though. They can provide valuable insight into the game, and they can give you a good idea of whether or not you should invest in certain stocks or commodities.


The legal age to bet on the Super Bowl in Pennsylvania is 21 years old.

There are a variety of different types of bets that can be placed on the Super Bowl, including bets on the game's outcome, bets on individual players, and prop bets.

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